
24 Hours of Happy Places

After finding Pharrell Williams' 24 Hours of Happy website and watching some of the 360 videos filmed in the project I was curious about where these videos were shot. I was disappointed that I couldn't find anything on the web. As a self admitted "Angelinophile" I have visited LA and Southern Cal numerous times over the years but I had no way of knowing where these places were. You can tell that these are real places and not a sound stage or studio set because of the signage, advertising and real people in every vignette. However I do not live in or anywhere near Los Angeles. So I started at the Midnight video and looked up Mobil Stations in LA on Google and the project began. I found all the information for this log by using Google Maps and Google Earth. There was help from some of other internet sites dedicated to the music video such as Robert's Ultimate Guide and even once from a comment on YouTube. Although I did travel to LA once during this project I...
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