After finding Pharrell Williams' 24 Hours of Happy website and watching some of the 360 videos filmed in the project I was curious about where these videos were shot. I was disappointed that I couldn't find anything on the web.
As a self admitted "Angelinophile" I have visited LA and Southern Cal numerous times over the years but I had no way of knowing where these places were. You can tell that these are real places and not a sound stage or studio set because of the signage, advertising and real people in every vignette. However I do not live in or anywhere near Los Angeles.
So I started at the Midnight video and looked up Mobil Stations in LA on Google and the project began. I found all the information for this log by using Google Maps and Google Earth. There was help from some of other internet sites dedicated to the music video such as Robert's Ultimate Guide and even once from a comment on YouTube. Although I did travel to LA once during this project I didn't do any "field research" for this. Even if I tried, I don't think it would have been useful.
This was an on-and-(mostly) off project/hobby done for the last two or three years and there is some explanation needed for the location descriptions. I tried to use real street addresses where possible but in many cases used nearest street intersections. In Griffith Park there are no addresses and inside buildings the actual address is used. I left out Magic Johnson's address out of respect for his privacy (and those trophies!)
I did not list the celebrities or dancers in the video but the information I have included are from numerous web sources.
As always, this log should not be considered definitive but I believe them to be accurate. Your corrections are welcome.
During the course of doing this I was surprised by the number of locations that are no longer in existence (the Sixth Street Bridge?!) or closed in just a few years. In fact, so many things were changing, it prompted me to finish the project before I couldn't find these places anymore.
The video captures the places and neighborhoods as they were in Los Angeles in Fall of 2013. My congratulations and thanks to Mr. Williams, the film makers and crew of the video for this love letter to LA.
The Log:
12 midnight Mobil
Station 657 N Vermont Pharrell Williams
:04 Mobil
Station 657 N Vermont
:08 Mobil
Station 657 N Vermont
:12 Mobil
Station 657 N Vermont
:16 Mobil
Station 657 N Vermont
:20 Mobil
Station 657 N Vermont
:24 Mobil
Station 657 N Vermont
:28 Mobil
Station 657 N Vermont
:32 Mobil
Station 657 N Vermont
:36 Mobil
Station 657 N Vermont
:40 motorcycles,
4110 Fountain Av
:44 motorcycles,
Hyperion Av @ Rowena
:48 motorcycles,
San Fernando Rd @ S Brand
:52 motorcycles,
2671 Fletcher Dr
:56 8th & Hope
1 am Alexandria
Hotel, 501 S Spring St, DTLA Pharrell
:04 interior,
American Legion Post, 2035 N Highland
:08 interior,
American Legion Post, 2035 N Highland
:12 street,
2035 N Highland
:16 street,
2005 N Highland
:20 street,
N Highland
:24 street,
N Highland
:28 street,
1660 N Highland Kelly
:32 street,
1734 N Highland
:36 street,
6823 Hollywood Blvd
:40 street,
Hollywood Blvd
@ Orange
:44 street,
7038 Hollywood Blvd
:48 street,
6922 Hollywood Blvd
:52 street,
6800 Hollywood Blvd
:56 interior,
American Legion Post, 2035 N Highland
2 am Alexandria
Hotel, 501 S Spring S, 3rd floor Pharrell Williams
:04 interior,
American Legion Post, 2035 N Highland
:08 interior,
American Legion Post, 2035 N Highland
:12 interior,
American Legion Post, 2035 N Highland
:16 interior,
American Legion Post, 2035 N Highland
:20 interior,
American Legion Post, 2035 N Highland
:24 street,
6760 Selma Av
:28 street,
6700 Selma Av
:32 street,
6645 Selma Av
:36 street,
6501 Selma Av
:40 street,
1542 N Cahuenga
:44 street,
6363 Sunset Blvd
:48 street,
6275 Sunset Blvd
:52 street,
6215 Sunset Blvd
:56 street,
4483 Hollywood Blvd
3 am interior,
Vista Theater, 4473 Sunset Blvd Pharrell Williams
:04 street,
4473 Sunset Blvd
:08 street,
4376 W Sunset Blvd
:12 street,
4444 W Sunset Blvd
:16 street,
4441 W Sunset Blvd
:20 street,
1520 N Highland
:24 street,
4500 Hollywood Blvd
:28 street,
4550 Hollywood Blvd
:32 street,
4633 Hollywood Blvd
:36 street,
4685 Hollywood Blvd
:40 street,
1714 N Vermont
:44 street,
1802 N Vermont
:48 street,
4650 Franklin
:52 street,
1776 N Vermont
:56 street,
601 N Vermont
4 am street,
N Vermont @ Hollywood Fwy Pharrell
:04 street,
317 N Vermont
:08 street,
N Vermont @ Oakwood
:12 street,
N Vermont @ Rosewood
:16 driving,
Melrose @
Wstmorlnd to Silver Lk Blvd @ Bellevue
:20 driving,
Silver Lk Blvd
to Berkeley
:24 driving,
Silver Lk Blvd
to Earl
:28 driving,
Silver Lk Blvd
to Riverside Dr @ Gleneden
:32 driving,
Riverside Dr to Ripple St @ Allesandro
:36 driving,
Ripple St to Riverside Dr @ Fletcher
:40 driving,
Fletcher St to N San Fernando @ Andrita
:44 road,
Griffith Park
:48 road,
Griffith Park
:52 road,
Griffith Park
:56 road,
Griffith Park
5 am road,
Griffith Park Pharrell Williams
:04 road,
Griffith Park
:08 road,
Griffith Park
:12 road,
Griffith Park
:16 road,
Griffith Park
:20 road,
Griffith Park
:24 road,
Griffith Park
:28 road,
Griffith Park
:32 road,
Griffith Park
:36 home, Beverly Hills Magic Johnson
:40 street,
2670 Aberdeen Av, Los Felix
:44 street,
2440 N Vermont
:48 street,
2350 Hillhurst
:52 street,
4490 Gainborough Av
:56 street,
2262 Fargo St ,
Silver Lake
6 am street,
Baxter St @ Apex Av Pharrell Williams
:04 street,
Baxter St
@ Rockford Rd
:08 street,
Rockford Rd
@ Ewing St
:12 street,
Silver Lake Blvd
@ Rockford Rd
:16 street,
Van Pelt Pl @ Silver Lake Blvd
:20 street,
W Silver Lake Dr @ Redesdale Av (mirror)
:24 street,
1967 W Silver Lake Dr
:28 street,
W Silver Lake Dr @ Moreno Dr
:32 street,
2207 W Silver Lake Dr
:36 street,
2341 W Silver Lake Dr
:40 street,
Tesla Av@ Rokeby St
:44 street,
Armstrong Av @ Lake View Terr (mirror)
:48 street,
Armstrong Av @ Edgewater Terr (mirror)
:52 street,
Silver Lake Blvd
@ Armstrong Av (mirror)
:56 Baum
Bicycle Bridge (Los Felix Blvd
& GS Fwy)
7 am Baum Bicycle
Bridge , Griffith Park Pharrell
:04 LA
River Bike Path @ Los Felix Blvd
:08 LA
River Bike Path along GS Fwy
:12 LA
River Bike Path along GS Fwy
:16 LA
River Bike Path along GS Fwy
:20 LA
River Bike Path along GS Fwy
:24 LA
River Bike Path along GS Fwy
:28 LA
River Bike Path along GS Fwy
:32 LA
River Bike Path along GS Fwy
:36 LA
River Bike Path along GS Fwy
:40 LA
River Bike Path along GS Fwy
:44 LA
River Bike Path along GS Fwy
:48 LA
River Bike Path along GS Fwy
:52 LA
River Bike Path along GS Fwy
:56 LA
River under E 6th St
8 am LA
River under E 6th St
Bridge Pharrell Williams
:04 LA
River under E 6th St
:08 street,
S Santa Fe Av @ E 6th
:12 street,
Willow St @ Mateo St
:16 street,
1321 Palmetto St
:20 street,
S Santa Fe Av under E 4th
:24 street,
Molino St @ E 4th Pl
:28 street,
Molino St @ Palmetto
:32 street,
Palmetto St @ Hewitt St
:36 street,
Argyle Av @ Selma Av, Hollywood
:40 street,
Colyton St @ E 4th St ,
:44 street,
Colyton St @ E 5th St
:48 street,
Hewitt St @ Palmetto St
:52 street,
431 Hewitt St
:56 street,
W 4th St @ Grand (lower), DTLA
:04 street,
300 S Grand lower
:08 street,
W Kosciuszko Way
@ S Grand (lower)
:12 street,
240 S Olive
:16 street,
S Olive @ W 4th
:20 street,
W 4th St
@ S Hill
:24 street,
S Broadway @ W 5th
:28 street,
S Broadway @ W 6th
:32 street,
W 7th St
@ Broadway
:36 street,
613 S Spring St
:40 street,
S Broadway @ W 7th St
:44 street,
S Broadway @ W 8th St
:48 street,
S Broadway @ W 7th St
:52 street,
S Broadway @ W 6th St
:56 street,
Union Station @ E Cesar Chavez Av
10 am interior,
Union Station, 800 N Alameda St Pharrell Williams
:04 interior,
Union Station, 800 N Alameda St
:08 interior,
Union Station, 800 N Alameda St
:12 interior,
Union Station, 800 N Alameda St
:16 interior,
Union Station, 800 N Alameda St
:20 interior,
Union Station, 800 N Alameda St
:24 interior,
Union Station, 800 N Alameda St
:28 interior,
Union Station, 800 N Alameda St
:32 interior,
Union Station, 800 N Alameda
St Sergio Mendes
:36 interior,
Union Station, 800 N Alameda St
:40 interior,
Union Station, 800 N Alameda St
:44 interior,
Union Station, 800 N Alameda St
:48 interior,
Union Station, 800 N Alameda St
:52 interior,
Union Station, 800 N Alameda St
:56 street,
E 7th St
@ S Main
11 am alley,
W Harlem Pl
@ W 5th St Pharrell Williams
:04 street,
E 7th St
@ S Los Angeles St
:08 street,
630 S Los Angeles St
:12 street,
S Los Angeles St @ E 6th (mirror)
:16 street,
S Los Angeles St @ E 5th (mirror)
:20 street,
223 Winston St
:24 street,
E 4th St
@ S Los Angeles St
:28 street,
Wall St @ E 4th (mirror)
:32 street,
313 Boyd St
:36 street,
Hawthorn Av @ N Orange, Hollywood
:40 street,
Hawthorn Av @ N Sycamore
:44 street,
Hollywood Blvd
@ N Sycamore
:48 Kimmel
Studio, 6840 Hollywood Blvd Jimmy Kimmel
:52 parking
lot, Kimmel Studio, 6840 Hollywood Blvd
:56 interior,
Pacific Dining Car restaurant, 1310
W 6th St
:04 street,
1310 W 6th St
:08 street,
Valencia St @ Shatto
:12 street,
Wilshire Blvd
@ Valencia
:16 street,
Wilshire Blvd
@ Witmer
:20 street,
Wilshire Blvd
@ Valencia
:24 street,
Highland Av @ Sunset
:28 street,
Highland Av @ DeLongpre
:32 street,
Highland Av @ Fountain
:36 street,
Highland Av @ Lexington
:40 street,
Highland Av @ Santa Monica
:44 street,
Romaine St @ Highland
:48 street,
Romaine St @ N Orange
:52 street,
1041 N Orange
:56 interior,
Sands Boxing, 515 E 4th
1 pm interior,
Sands Boxing, 515 E 4th St Pharrell Williams
:04 interior,
Sands Boxing, 515 E 4th
:08 interior,
Sands Boxing, 515 E 4th
:12 interior,
Sands Boxing, 515 E 4th
:16 street,
515 E 4th St
:20 street,
Boyd St @ Omar
:24 street,
Boyd St @ S San Pedro
:28 street,
S Los Angeles St @ Boyd
:32 street,
Winston St @ S Los Angeles
:36 street,
Wall St @ Winston
:40 alley,
241 Winston St
:44 alley,
216 E 4th St
:48 street,
324 E 4th St Tyler
the Creator & Odd Future
:52 street,
460 E 4th St
:56 interior,
Union Station, 800 N Alameda St
2 pm interior,
Union Station, 800 N Alameda St Pharrell
:04 interior,
Union Station, 800 N Alameda St
:08 interior,
Union Station, 800 N Alameda St
:12 interior,
Union Station, 800 N Alameda St
:16 interior,
Union Station, 800 N Alameda St
:20 interior,
Union Station, 800 N Alameda St
:24 interior,
Union Station, 800 N Alameda St
:28 street,
Alameda St @ Arcadia
:32 street,
Alameda St @ Commercial
:36 street,
Alameda St @ E Temple
:40 street,
E Temple St
@ Alameda
:44 street,
W 4th St
@ Grand
:48 street,
N Los Angeles St @ E Temple
:52 street,
N Los Angeles St @ Arcadia
:56 street,
Marengo Av @ Holly, Pasadena
:04 interior,
First Baptist Church
:08 interior,
First Baptist Church
:12 interior,
First Baptist Church
:16 street,
Campus Rd
@ Alumni Av, Eagle Rock
:20 street,
Campus Rd
@ Armadale Av
:24 street,
Campus Rd
@ Stratford Rd
:28 street,
Stratford Rd
@ Ave 49
:32 street,
Stratford Rd
@ Ave 50
:36 street,
Meridian St @ Ave 51
:40 street,
Meridian St @ Ave 52
:44 street,
Stratford Rd
@ Ave 53
:48 street,
Stratford Rd
@ Ave 55
:52 Mountain View Mausoleum, 2300 Marengo Av, Altadena Trent
:56 interior,
Mountain View Mausoleum
4 pm interior,
Mountain View Mausoleum Pharrell Williams
:04 interior,
Mountain View Mausoleum
:08 interior,
Mountain View Mausoleum
:12 grounds,
2300 Marengo Av
:16 grounds,
2300 Marengo Av
:20 grounds,
2300 Marengo Av
:24 street,
E Sacramento St @ Santa Anita Av
:28 street,
355 E Sacramento St
:32 street,
Avenue 55 @ Stratford Av
:36 street,
Meridian St @ Avenue 55
:40 street,
N Sycamore Av @ Willoughby minion
:44 street,
Waring Av @ N Sycamore
:48 street,
N Mansfield @ Waring
:52 street,
N Mansfield @ Willoughby
:56 street,
Alameda @ W College, Chinatown
5 pm bus
yard, 130 College St Pharrell
:04 bus
yard, 130 College St
:08 school
bus 272001, 130 College St Steve
:12 school
bus, 130 College St
:16 school
bus, N Spring @ Rondout
:20 school
bus, N Main @ Rondout
:24 bus
yard, 130 College St
:28 street,
N Alhambra @ Vignes St Jamie
:32 street,
E College @ Alhambra Ana Ortiz
:36 street,
E College @ Main
:40 street,
1009 N Main St Miranda
:44 street,
E 6th St
(lower) @ Mesquite
:48 street,
E 6th St
(lower) @ Imperial
:52 street,
E 6th St
(lower) @ Mateo
:56 street,
E 6th St
(upper) @ Santa Fe
:04 street,
E 6th St
:08 street,
E 6th St
:12 street,
E 6th St
:16 street,
Inez St
@ Clarence
:20 street,
S Anderson St
@ E 6th St
:24 street,
S Anderson St
@ Jesse
:28 street,
S Anderson St
@ E 6th St
:32 street,
E 6th St
@ S Mission Rd
:36 street,
S Willow St @ Mission
:40 street,
516 S Anderson St
:44 street,
500 S Anderson St
:48 street,
539 S Mission Rd
:52 street,
S Anderson St
@ E 6th St
:56 alley,
417 W Pico Blvd
7 pm alley,
behind 1530 Hillhurst Av, Los Feliz Pharrell
:04 street,
W 12th @ S Grand
:08 street,
S Grand Av @ W 11th
:12 street,
S Grand Av @ Olympic Blvd
:16 street,
S Olive St
@ Olympic
:20 street,
S Olive St
@ W 9th
:24 street,
S Olive St
@ W 8th
:28 street,
W 7th St
@ Hill
:32 street,
W 8th St
@ Hill
:36 street,
722 S Broadway
:40 street,
630 S Broadway
:44 street,
534 S Broadway
:48 street,
432 S Broadway
:52 street,
308 S Broadway
:56 Super
A Foods, 2245 Yosemite , Eagle Rock
8 pm Super
A Foods Pharrell
:04 Super
A Foods
:08 Super
A Foods
:12 Super
A Foods
:16 Super
A Foods
:20 Super
A Foods
:24 Super
A Foods
:28 Super
A Foods
:32 Super
A Foods
:36 Super
A Foods
:40 Super
A Foods
:44 Super
A Foods
:48 Super
A Foods
:52 Super
A Foods
:56 McCadden Pl
@ Selma Av, Hollywood
:04 parking
lot, W 8th St @ S Grand (no longer vacant)
:08 street,
Hill St
@ W 3rd St
:12 street,
Hill St
@ W 4th St
:16 street,
Hill St
@ W 5th St
:20 street,
Hill St
@ W 6th St
:24 street,
W 7th St
@ Olive
:28 street,
W 7th St
@ Grand
:32 street,
711 S Hope St crew
:36 street,
W 8th St
@ Hope
:40 street,
801 S Grand
:44 street,
S Grand @ Olympic
:48 street,
S Hope St
@ Olympic
:52 street,
S Hope St
@ W 9th St
:56 grounds,
Eagle Rock HS, 1750 Yosemite Dr
10 pm hallway,
Eagle Rock HS Pharrell Williams
:04 hallway,
Eagle Rock HS
:08 hallway,
Eagle Rock HS
:12 hallway,
Eagle Rock HS
:16 hallway,
Eagle Rock HS
:20 hallway,
Eagle Rock HS
:24 gymnasium,
Eagle Rock HS
:28 gymnasium,
Eagle Rock HS
:32 grounds,
Eagle Rock HS
:36 grounds,
Eagle Rock HS
:40 grounds,
Eagle Rock HS
:44 grounds,
Eagle Rock HS
:48 grounds,
Eagle Rock HS
:52 grounds,
Eagle Rock HS
:56 street,
Eagle Rock Blvd
11 pm All
Star Lanes, 4459 Eagle Rock Blvd Pharrell
:04 All
Star Lanes
:08 All
Star Lanes
:12 All
Star Lanes
:16 All
Star Lanes
:20 street,
4433 Eagle Rock Blvd
:24 street,
4361 Eagle Rock Blvd
:28 street,
Eagle Rock Blvd
@ Ave 43
:32 street,
4157 Eagle Rock Blvd
:36 Tony’s
Auto Care, 4051 Eagle Rock Blvd
:40 street,
4051 Eagle Rock Blvd
:44 street,
4014 Eagle Rock Blvd
:48 street,
4124 Eagle Rock Blvd
:52 street,
Eagle Rock Blvd @ El Paso
:56 street,
741 N Vermont St
Very impressive feat especially considering a. you don't live here and b. you completed it! I started doing something similar but didn't get very far.